Parents are a child's first teacher.
Integral to the Grace Childcare Center philosophy is the belief that parents are the primary educators of their children. It is our function as educators to support and facilitate the parent/child relationship because parents are the "expert" when it comes to knowing their own child. Grace Childcare Center functions best when we understand a parent's perceptions, feelings, and observations about their own children. The staff of Grace Childcare Center strives to form a partnership with parents to best meet the needs of the children and families.
We encourage you to share in the day-to-day activities of the center; meals, field trips, class visits and family events. We would like you to share your ideas, traditions, recipes and yourself in any way that you would enjoy. Families are an important piece of our community and are welcomed into the center and classroom at any time.
The center values open communication between families and staff members. Families can expect to receive regular newletters, emails and written correspondence; and are encouraged to visit the website and the Grace Childcare Center Blog for up-to-date information. In addition to daily communication, parents may request a conference with their child's teacher at any time.